3 best security plugins to keep your WordPress website secure - TechShrewd


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3 best security plugins to keep your WordPress website secure

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Your voice is being heard by the presence of your website. It is the vertebrae of your business that sends the right message about your product or service line to the right people and taps into real potential for your business growth.
But, have you ever thought about the compromised website functionality due to security breaches or hacking? As per reports, as much as 60% of small businesses can suffer irreparable losses as a form of business shutdown within months of opening. There are 60% probabilities for small businesses for shutdown if you ignore this important aspect of website security. Although corporate biggies such as Netflix or JP Morgan often make headlines for security threats, small and medium sized businesses are not without any security attacks to their websites.
How Poor Security Can Affect Your Website Performance And Productivity?
Sometimes, VPNs, malware detection and updated anti-virus do not provide enough security to your websites, making you vulnerable to such threats more often.

Studies from the National Cyber Security Alliance found some key reports on website security threats. It included,
  • Nearly, 50% of small businesses faced cyber attacks.
  • More than 70% of small businesses have been vulnerable to such attacks.

Another study by security giant Symantec, it found cyberthreats from more than 375 million new malware variants during 2016. Additionally, about 76% of scanned websites were having higher vulnerability rates of attacks compromising their identities.
Such threats are on the rise since hackers want to make big through stealing your customer data such as credit card information. Others do it only for fun.
But, if your website is not secure, it costs you your customer trust. They no longer want to be on your site, resulting in drop of site rank and a loss of profitability.  If a site is hacked with malware, Google sends notifications to the visitors and warn them against visiting the hacked site. As per a study by WordPress security Plugin, WordFence, it reported that 45% of websites performance was affected by a hack, which could drop traffic by 75%.
But, having not known about your website being hacked is even more terrifying. In most cases, Google does not notify webmasters about such threats. And that’s where you pay for huge losses. Even if you know about it, a hacked website takes more than a week to get fixed. This extended time period is enough to impact your site rank and cause 25% of organic traffic loss to your website.  Now, you can imagine why website security is important for customer retention and increase your business volume.
About 35 percent of all websites is powered by WordPress. That’s because it has a robust library of 50,000 plus plugins and other add-ons to add flexibility and agility to your business websites. However, for a number of reasons your WordPress site can be hacked. They can be corrupted or malware inflicted files. In order to restrict any unethical hacking or corruption of your WordPress website, you can use WordPress plugins to keep your WP website secure.  
Best WP Plugins For Enhanced Security Of Websites
When you look out for security plugin for your WP website, it is imperative you make sure of its functionality and security potential based on protection, detection and recovery capabilities.

WordFence – WP Security Plugin
Built with core features such as firewall and malware scanners, Wordfence stands out as a comprehensive security suite to provide end-to-end cyber protection to your site. This potential feature of this plugin prevents any access to hackers from attacking websites and causing lockdown.
Your server or endpoint runs this security plugin. Every hacker targets the server or endpoint to gain access to the site. But, WordFence security plugin prevents this by deploying an endpoint-based firewall rules. As a result, it stands guard strong against brute force attacks and blocks requests that contain malicious content.
With WordFence Threat Defence Feed, you can get constant updates about any security threats from over 3 mn WP websites integrated with WordFence security and take actionable steps.
Its detection capability is outstanding. Using the malware scanner tool, it can detect bad URLs, malware, SEO spam and code injections from themes, plugins and files. It alerts you for any security threats and repairs them. The best part you can take steps with its real-time updates about new malware or malicious content.
In addition to its recovery capability, it deletes files that are no longer required. It also replaces files with the cleaner files.
It enhances your site security by offering two-factor authentication security. WordFence Security also enables you to track threats and issues from a single place and enhances your system security.

Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware scanner and Security Hardening

Sucuri Security has everything in it to prove its high performance capabilities sought by website organizations and enterprises. It strengthens your site activities by monitoring future threats, defending existing attacks and offering a useful recovery option.
Sucuri Security plugin can easily detect malicious malware and blocks their activities to your website. With constant updates on security performance, it ensures your site is safe. Sucuri Security only allows authorized parties to gain access to your website with validated IP whitelists while hindering IP addresses on geolocation basis.

The offering is made available for both onsite and cloud. It offers all round protection to your site through a complete scanning of your server and site. This plugin runs a security check every day to monitor any threats occurring from log-in to file integrity. To validate every aspect of your website performance under control; it checks with SSL certificates and DNS, monitors SEO spam, malware attacks and boosts uptime. It also restricts advance DDOS attacks to your website. Last but not the least, its Post Hack Tools offers multiple options to recover your site by suspecting of a hack.
Created by Automattic, JetPack is a user-friendly and popular plugin due to its innumerous features. It well suits the need of individuals and small businesses.
With more than 5 million active installations, it is ideal for enhanced website security, management and performance. JetPack has been the trusted plugin ever since its inception for heightened security of your WP website. Besides improving security, this plugin has multifaceted capabilities to monitor your site performance, marketing activities and boost performance optimization.
Although JetPack is not as comprehensive as other high end WP security plugin, it offers you a cost-effective solution for personal and small business website. As you install it, it prevents brute-force attacks, offers auto-updates about malware attacks and boosts performance by detecting downtime. It also offers secured authentication for safe browsing activities.  

If you upgrade your service with JetPack Premium version, it gets you covered with Malware scan, Spam Filter and auto fixes. The malware scanning detects threats and alerts you about it instantly. You can have it to your advantage during recovery through site backup that comes up with unlimited storage space. The best part it offers an automatic restoration of your site.
Undoubtedly, WordFence and Sucuri are the best comprehensive security plugins for your WordPress Website.  The Firewall and malware scanners are two most important features that give you a high-end security from any kind of threats. However, for a cost-effective solution, JetPack turns out to be a great choice for personal and small business needs.
Remember, website security is an important aspect; choose your defense against threats with the best WordPress Plugin today. 

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